Isn't Predator an Alien?
Predators create pyramid scheme.
Alien 5, Predator 3.
Ridley Scott of Antartic.
Lacks Arnie's Ripley muscles.
Bishop doesn't take Queen.
When Space franchises collide!
Synchronised face-hugging squad strike.
Predator's pyramid: alien penitentiary.
Icy dead aliens.
Predators win cold war.
ETs + ETs = DOAs.
Aliens, predators, predates Aliens.
PALIENtologists are the prey.
Antarctica hosts E.T. donnybrook.
Predator sequel. Alien prequel.
Alien < AVP < Predator.
Acid + Neon: Bad blood.
Ugly motherfuckers' history revealed.
Franchises, creatures merge.
I bet E.T. wins.
Alien predator, predatory alien.
Isn't Predator an Alien?