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 Techie help needed: iMac and avatars

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Koli Posted - 05/22/2010 : 18:57:03
We discussed this recently in another thread. The story so far...

I replaced my PC a few weeks ago. The new iMac is finding it difficult to provide new FWFR avatars. Initial advice was that certain browsers work better than others. So instead of using Safari, which comes with the Mac, I tried others, notably Opera and Google Chrome.

I thought I'd found a solution: insist that the pic saved to the Mac has a gif filename extension even when the Mac wants to call it a jpg. It worked. But it hasn't worked since.

I thought I'd found the answer a few minutes ago. The iMac normally doesn't show file extensions. I checked the box so that now it does. I still found I couldn't load my new avatar, the error message being that the pic must be a jpeg, gif or bmp file. Well, it is - but FWFR still says 'no'.

Have other Mac owners found a way round this? Please?
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Salopian Posted - 07/30/2010 : 13:52:08
Originally posted by Salopian

Another problem with Google Chrome is when editing a post in the Fourum. Either often or always the string &Mode appears at the beginning of the edited post (attached to what should be the first letter).

I know that the Fourum is not your code, though, so this is probably not something you can change.

This hasn't happened for a long time now, so thank you if you did something to fix it.
Salopian Posted - 06/09/2010 : 00:59:15
Another problem with Google Chrome is when editing a post in the Fourum. Either often or always the string &Mode appears at the beginning of the edited post (attached to what should be the first letter).

I know that the Fourum is not your code, though, so this is probably not something you can change.
Koli Posted - 06/03/2010 : 21:45:55
Benj, it worked like a dream.

Wonderful. Many thanks for fixing it.
Salopian Posted - 06/03/2010 : 18:31:26
Originally posted by benj clews

So is it on the actual selecting of the extra review or film that's not happening?

No, it can select them but it can't submit the report: clicking the 'Submit' button doesn't do anything (or at least nothing happens visually).
benj clews Posted - 06/03/2010 : 18:18:23
Originally posted by Cracovian

Originally posted by benj clews

Wasn't aware of this- I'll have a look at this also.

It happens in the more complicated ones, where after selecting the review you have to go and select another review or film.

Ah, okay. So is it on the actual selecting of the extra review or film that's not happening?
Salopian Posted - 06/03/2010 : 18:16:23
Originally posted by benj clews

Wasn't aware of this- I'll have a look at this also.

It happens in the more complicated ones, where after selecting the review you have to go and select another review or film.
benj clews Posted - 06/03/2010 : 18:08:44
Originally posted by Cracovian

Great news, Benj. Thanks. Does this apply to accolade trophies as well as personal avatars?

Not at present- that's fiddlier still but I'll take a look and try and get that sorted too.


(Another browser issue is that some categories of reporting don't work on Google Chrome; don't know about other browsers.)

Wasn't aware of this- I'll have a look at this also.
Salopian Posted - 06/03/2010 : 17:13:41
Originally posted by benj clews

Okay... it was pretty fiddly and took longer than I expected but the avatar upload code should be cross-browser and Apple Mac compatible now.

Great news, Benj. Thanks. Does this apply to accolade trophies as well as personal avatars?

(Another browser issue is that some categories of reporting don't work on Google Chrome; don't know about other browsers.)
Larry Posted - 06/03/2010 : 11:58:58
Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by BaftaBabe

[quote]One thing, though - benj, have you tweaked the finalisation? Because when I clicked Save, my old av returned. But when I just changed it and clicked the pop-up box, the new one stuck. Maybe I'm using the haunted version

Yep- this would have been the cached version of the image. I've just made it so the image is forced to reload after saving.

This is wonderful! Makes changing avatars so much easier. Thanks, benj.
benj clews Posted - 06/03/2010 : 08:35:20
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

[quote]One thing, though - benj, have you tweaked the finalisation? Because when I clicked Save, my old av returned. But when I just changed it and clicked the pop-up box, the new one stuck. Maybe I'm using the haunted version

Yep- this would have been the cached version of the image. I've just made it so the image is forced to reload after saving.
ChocolateLady Posted - 06/03/2010 : 08:18:06
Not a haunted version. Just refresh the page and it will come back just fine!

(Did for me.)
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/03/2010 : 07:46:45
Originally posted by Se�n

Originally posted by benj clews

Okay... it was pretty fiddly and took longer than I expected but the avatar upload code should be cross-browser and Apple Mac compatible now. You'll find it works slightly differently to before though- you click your avatar in your details page to select and upload your picture but you'll still need to click Save afterwards to finalise the new avatar.

Let me know if anyone finds any problems with this

I just changed my avatar with Firefox for the first time ever. It went like clockwork. Thanks mate.

Now I will (hopefully) never need to use that poxy I.E. again.

Big thanks, benj! Have just changed my av on Firefox ... I'm with Se�n here - yay the Fox! BTW - I'm on a PC, not Mac.

One thing, though - benj, have you tweaked the finalisation? Because when I clicked Save, my old av returned. But when I just changed it and clicked the pop-up box, the new one stuck. Maybe I'm using the haunted version

ChocolateLady Posted - 06/03/2010 : 07:15:52
Well, I also had an easy time changing my Avatar. Mind you, I did it from work using IE7, but still... really good!
Sean Posted - 06/03/2010 : 01:44:00
And on the subject of avatars, isn't it time that cake grew another couple of candles?
Sean Posted - 06/03/2010 : 01:42:52
Originally posted by benj clews

Okay... it was pretty fiddly and took longer than I expected but the avatar upload code should be cross-browser and Apple Mac compatible now. You'll find it works slightly differently to before though- you click your avatar in your details page to select and upload your picture but you'll still need to click Save afterwards to finalise the new avatar.

Let me know if anyone finds any problems with this

I just changed my avatar with Firefox for the first time ever. It went like clockwork. Thanks mate.

Now I will (hopefully) never need to use that poxy I.E. again.

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