Politically correct horse manure.
Pony express(es self).
Adams' singing voice; horse.
Stallion is Bourne, free.
Bourne, to be wild.
Happy ,cartoon pony flick.
Horse-drawn, lacks giddyup.
Damon sounds kinda horse.
'Black Beauty' with Spirit.
Talented Mustang Ripley.
Caught. Escaped. Caught. Escaped.
The Talented Mr. Ed?
Free Spirit. No Reins.
Mare draws studly Damon.
'Matt' Black Beauty.
Trading reins for Rain.
Spirit set free! Repeatedly.
Beautifully animated free Spirit.
It ain't 'Lion King'.
Horse saves Indian; cheesy!
Animated horse sings hoarsely.
Adams's feature-length music video.
Stallion scraps iron horse.
Politically correct horse manure.