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 Avatar Contest #504 - Shortening

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MguyX Posted - 01/24/2014 : 02:52:53
Mama's l'il baby love shortening bread!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemmycaution Posted - 12/09/2018 : 23:06:47
You may be seeking alpha, but man, you're the omega.
MguyX Posted - 12/09/2018 : 21:35:17
Have you tried an image of a man jerking off?
seekingalpha Posted - 12/09/2018 : 17:49:15
Great contest - would have loved to see this go on some more. Trying to figure out how to shorten the avatar for my blog because the name is so long.

Cheese_Ed Posted - 01/31/2014 : 02:22:07
Wow, thanks all... and thanks Babe!
BaftaBaby Posted - 01/30/2014 : 18:33:06
Bigtime thanks, everyone.
6 peeps, 6 voters

I'll keep it SHORT n sweet:

In third place with 7 votes [1,3,2,1], it's me - quite armless!

In 2nd place with 9 votes [2,3,2,2] - the abbreviated improper username - YAY!

And, in the short term, the winner with 10 points [1,3,3,3] it's our own peripatetic cheese - cutting it off the old block to the right length. Hip Hip Hoo ....

Come back soon, Cheesy, with another topic - don't wait toooooo long!

MguyX Posted - 01/30/2014 : 16:48:54
Vetoed. Then voted.
BaftaBaby Posted - 01/29/2014 : 22:14:42
Originally posted by lemmycaution


Me 2
Just waiting for MguyX ... ahem.

30th - just sent a kind reminder to him. Tick-tock.

lemmycaution Posted - 01/29/2014 : 20:15:29
Improper Username Posted - 01/29/2014 : 19:57:37
Vts snt
Cheese_Ed Posted - 01/27/2014 : 18:37:38
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

Any chance someone could count votes for me this week? I know Sean is unavailable. I've got a road trip for work and I'll be pretty tied up.

I am happy to don the cheesy hat!

Please message me with your votes by Thursday or sooner - normal rules apply.

Grazie, Babe! I'll forward Sean's ballot when I submit mine tomorrow.

BaftaBaby Posted - 01/27/2014 : 16:26:59
Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

Any chance someone could count votes for me this week? I know Sean is unavailable. I've got a road trip for work and I'll be pretty tied up.

I am happy to don the cheesy hat!

Please message me with your votes by Thursday or sooner - normal rules apply.

Cheese_Ed Posted - 01/27/2014 : 11:25:37
Any chance someone could count votes for me this week? I know Sean is unavailable. I've got a road trip for work and I'll be pretty tied up.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 01/25/2014 : 13:58:06
I always enjoy the release I get from shortening a long piece of cheese.
BaftaBaby Posted - 01/25/2014 : 11:08:51
Originally posted by Improper Username

Shortening of the URL to this avatar contest:

Brilliant post! Thanks
People may also want to ref this Wikipedia piece on for all the pros and cons.

Improper Username Posted - 01/25/2014 : 03:01:16
Shortening of the URL to this avatar contest:

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