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 Movie Haiku Contest # 192: Independence Day

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chris C Posted - 02/18/2010 : 06:52:43
Ever wnted to kick alien butt? Now's your chance, with this week's Haiku subject

Independence Day


Abbreviated rules borrowed from here to encourage some new entrants ....

The Rules

The first line of a haiku poem has five syllables.
The second line has seven syllables.
The third, and final, line has five syllables.

The Movie Haiku Contest (MHC) is open to every member of the FWFR site.

To enter, all you have to do is think of a Haiku for the current movie, then post into the current thread. Simple as that. Also, haikus may be risque, but nothing explicit please.

Only one entry per person as per The Blevins Rule. However, you are allowed to edit your existing entry until 9pm Wednesday FWFR time. *


If you have entered the MHC, then you have to vote. If you do not vote, you'll lose 3 points from your total, even if you are Sludge and its your birthday. This could mean the difference between the adoration and envy of your fellow Fwiffers or being the feckless butt of our jokes!

You do not have to enter an MHC to vote. Vote away. It'll be like a lurker vote!


For each round, you get to vote for your three favourite haikus. The voting is as follows:

3 pts fwfr a
2 pts fwfr b
1 pt fwfr c

You may vote only once
You cannot vote for yourself.
You can vote for the previous winner

You vote by sending your votes in a PM (Private Message) HERE, to Me.

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sludge Posted - 02/25/2010 : 15:29:06
I'll just move this right along... soon.

Chris C Posted - 02/25/2010 : 06:40:52
Following a close encounter of the voting kind, this weeks winner can be beamed up to you.

With a galactic 11 votes (3332)
taking haiku writing to an intergalactic level
Our winner....

Congratulations. You know what you gotta do next.

Sludge Posted - 02/25/2010 : 05:45:44

Beanmimo Posted - 02/24/2010 : 22:18:03

Iiiiatcchoo excuse me, voted.
BaftaBaby Posted - 02/24/2010 : 21:40:49
Count again, polarboy!

Chris C Posted - 02/24/2010 : 20:24:40
Only 2 voters so far.

Results tomorrow morning FWFR time.
Beanmimo Posted - 02/22/2010 : 21:18:17

Aliens, strippers
Presidents, doomsday!! Well I
`prefered Mars Attacks!!
Montgomery Posted - 02/22/2010 : 15:37:02
How does Will Smith save
the world from an alien
attack? Cold-cock 'em.

EM :)

Chris C Posted - 02/19/2010 : 13:05:44
Smith kicks E.T's butt,
Goldblum gives him a virus.
Conclusion: Earth wins.
Sludge Posted - 02/18/2010 : 21:04:58
What the world needs now?
A nerdy scientist, and
the 'Will', to survive
BaftaBaby Posted - 02/18/2010 : 12:40:24
When a few earthlings
Face an alien army
It's incredible!

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