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"Here four more"
Posted - 12/12/2013 : 17:39:15
The next contest after this one will be #500! Let's revisit past contests by having an Avatar mash-up. Choose a minimum of 2 avatar topics and mash them together. We know some of you will do 3 or more. All is fair game except past winning Avatars. From Alien Kitchens to Snowmen X-rays. Have fun!!!!!
Edited by - TitanPa on 12/12/2013 17:40:47 |

Chris C  "Four words, never backwards."
Posted - 12/12/2013 : 19:45:53
I'd like to mash two of my previous winners: 106 - Human Nature (Naughty or Other) and 138 - Merry Christmas Everyone.
Have you been naughty or nice? If you been naughty, you'll soon find out    |

Sean  "Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."
Posted - 12/13/2013 : 03:42:08
Here's a mashup of:-
15 - Polar Animals 26 - Parts of the Body 127 - Tattoos 179 - Penguins 231 - Zombies
and probably a few more, but that'll do for now.

BaftaBaby  "Always entranced by cinema."
Posted - 12/13/2013 : 11:31:34
Mashing Slippy Tin's Pussy Cats with MguyX's Hot Air Balloons to get ... The Cat Balloon 

lemmycaution  "Long mired in film"
Posted - 12/13/2013 : 18:29:14
Comfort food for mathematicians.
#208--pizza #142--pi |
Edited by - lemmycaution on 12/13/2013 18:32:26 |

Cheese_Ed  "The Provolone Ranger"
Posted - 12/14/2013 : 17:35:23
#179 Penguins #188 Cheese #25 Sports |

TitanPa  "Here four more"
Posted - 12/16/2013 : 00:17:37
#10 - Evil Giraffe Tribute #33 - Kissing #106 - Human Nature #172 - Celestial Body #314 - Love |
Edited by - TitanPa on 12/16/2013 03:07:41 |

Cheese_Ed  "The Provolone Ranger"
Posted - 12/17/2013 : 19:34:22
Couple things:
Since we're hitting the big #500 feel free to list some good topics someone might want to use next. I know if I was to win tomorrow I'd have no idea what to choose.
I'm thinking #500 may be a 2 week contest since many folks will be very busy over the holidays and I'd like to see a good number of entrants.
I'm also revisiting the idea of shutting the contest down after #500. Participation is fairly low, and my free time has all but dried up given my demands at work. I've mentioned this a couple of times in the past and have been talked out of it, but I'd like to hear your thoughts again. |

MguyXXV  "X marks the spot"
Posted - 12/17/2013 : 19:44:07
American History, Slogans; take your pick. |

Chris C  "Four words, never backwards."
Posted - 12/17/2013 : 22:05:06
quote: Originally posted by Cheese_Ed
Couple things:
Since we're hitting the big #500 feel free to list some good topics someone might want to use next. I know if I was to win tomorrow I'd have no idea what to choose.
I'm thinking #500 may be a 2 week contest since many folks will be very busy over the holidays and I'd like to see a good number of entrants.
I'm also revisiting the idea of shutting the contest down after #500. Participation is fairly low, and my free time has all but dried up given my demands at work. I've mentioned this a couple of times in the past and have been talked out of it, but I'd like to hear your thoughts again.
One thing I've done for the "big" FWTO's is send out invites to all previous winners. Some participate, most don't, but it may be a way of getting a few involved again.
As for closing the comp down, that is really your decision. With BB taking a break there's going to be even less of us, so I can see it going the same way as the FWPT unless someone is prepared to take over and drum up support. Part of the problem seems to be the current lack of fourumites.
A two week competition over the Christmas might be a good idea. I was contemplating a pair of week-and-a-half FWTO's. The timing is going to be a bit awkward otherwise, with both Christmas and New Year falling on a voting night. |

Sean  "Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."
Posted - 12/17/2013 : 22:20:50
quote: Originally posted by Cheese_Ed
Couple things:
Since we're hitting the big #500 feel free to list some good topics someone might want to use next. I know if I was to win tomorrow I'd have no idea what to choose.
I don't have an idea, but how about open season (i.e., no topic, use any avatar you choose?)
I'm thinking #500 may be a 2 week contest since many folks will be very busy over the holidays and I'd like to see a good number of entrants.
Sounds like a good idea.quote:
I'm also revisiting the idea of shutting the contest down after #500. Participation is fairly low, and my free time has all but dried up given my demands at work. I've mentioned this a couple of times in the past and have been talked out of it, but I'd like to hear your thoughts again.
It would be sad to see it go. Still, the same issue applies as for FWPT; no newbies on the scene and a steady drop in participation over the years. Its demise seems a matter of when, not if. It's up to you. |

TitanPa  "Here four more"
Posted - 12/18/2013 : 00:44:11
2 week contest is a good idea. I too was going to mention it. The future of the contest is up to you Cheese. If someone wants to offer their help that would be good. This contest is a staple of the FWFR. It brings me back week to week and while I'm here I unload some new submissions if I have them. Don't know what I'd do without it.
Suggestions: Milestones Half Potpourri (anything goes) Historic Lesser known moments in history Attacks (Pearl Harbor day was a few weeks ago) Bombs Boxes (Boxing Day in Canada is soon here) Lesser known Holidays

MguyXXV  "X marks the spot"
Posted - 12/18/2013 : 06:29:43
I would push it to 520 before laying the AV contest to rest. 520 means this contest lasted 10 years. 500 is a pretty number, but 520 is actually more significant. We can hang in for 20 more weeks. Actually, I think we can drum up more participation if people know the game has a finite ending (as opposed to an infinite ending???).
I vote for a two-week contest for 500, but I think a free-for-all is a bit too unwieldy. The name of the game is creativity under a suggested theme.
I'm more than happy to help out with avatyrant duties Ch'Ed, but I certainly don't have the staying power or power of pun of the Ch'Edder.
Thems my twocentz (plus, my anus avatar finally won; there's really nothing left for me to do but retire and regale the young'uns with tales of the little asshole that could). |

lemmycaution  "Long mired in film"
Posted - 12/18/2013 : 20:31:58
520 would be good. Perhaps we might get a couple more players after the 500 celebration and be able to carry it on. |

TitanPa  "Here four more"
Posted - 12/18/2013 : 21:06:43

Cheese_Ed  "The Provolone Ranger"
Posted - 12/18/2013 : 23:17:11
I thought the Mash was monstrously fun ... This week: 7 entrants and 6 voters.
In third place, with 7 points (2131) ...
S(hi)t. Nick ...
Chris C !!
In second place, with 8 points (1232) ...
Sticking his neck out with a 5-theme mash up ...
TitanPa  !!
And in first place, with 9 points (31221) ...
The crusty and saucy ...
lemmycaution   !!! The honor of naming #500 goes to lemmy! What will it be sir?
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