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"Can't talk. Watching movie."
Posted - 05/11/2005 : 21:30:44
I used to visit quite often. They have a game over there, that is a lot of fun. Maybe we could have some laughs in the Fourum. With thanks to Kickstart:
Jargling: v. The act of making up words in a game
Make up a definition for a newly created word that a previous poster created. Then give your own newly created word. An example:
(User 1 creates the word 'oggerang' in the post previous to the one below) Oggerang: n. the earliest boomerang discovered by anthropologists in 1650, embedded in the skull of a Neanderthal
Next word: Brinatic
Get it? So the next guy/gal (THAT'S YOU!) makes up a definition for the next word, and makes up a new one. Thats all there is to it! Have fun!
Edit:This game is really catching on, isn't it? Glad you like it!
Edited by - Bavvy on 06/08/2005 23:15:40 |

duh  "catpurrs"
Posted - 05/11/2005 : 21:41:01
One who exhibits excessive enthusiasm for saltwater taffy.

Bavvy  "Can't talk. Watching movie."
Posted - 05/11/2005 : 21:44:54
Ashutroiphisese - Food that a child claims tastes bad, although the parent is sure the child has never tasted it in his/her life.
Next word: Instifery

duh  "catpurrs"
Posted - 05/11/2005 : 21:51:02
Unintentional failure to pay a bill, such as in walking out of a restaurant without paying and then remembering that one forgot to pay, 1000 miles away later.

Bavvy  "Can't talk. Watching movie."
Posted - 05/11/2005 : 21:56:09
Terorothgutagob - The phenomenon that causes jarglers to make up words that are very difficult to pronounce.
Next word: Renobial

Conan The Westy  "Father, Faithful Friend, Fwiffer"
Posted - 05/11/2005 : 22:08:09
Renobial - what impulse shoppers do after a big win in the second city of Nevada.

Bavvy  "Can't talk. Watching movie."
Posted - 05/11/2005 : 22:11:07
Womperidangle - The movement of extremely big earlobes.
Next word: Entwarsing

Montgomery  "F**k!"
Posted - 05/11/2005 : 22:31:46
Entwarsing -- The unconscious act of singing inside your head a catchy but annoying song.
EM :)

duh  "catpurrs"
Posted - 05/11/2005 : 23:07:20
While dandling a toddler on one's knee, dropping said toddler.

lekolight  "Now Available in CinemaScope"
Posted - 05/12/2005 : 00:44:11
An ancient german custom where one pig is chosen each spring from the latest litter to be dressed up in Lederhosen every Saturday night and walked with pride to the local ratskeller.

thefoxboy  "Four your eyes only."
Posted - 05/12/2005 : 01:05:48
framish. A photo frame made by a Flemish person
Edited by - thefoxboy on 05/12/2005 01:06:25 |

duh  "catpurrs"
Posted - 05/12/2005 : 01:23:25
quote: Originally posted by thefoxboy
To be both expert in the practices of, and knowledgeable about, all things regarding both romantic and sexual love.
Clap for the Wolfman
Edited by - duh on 05/12/2005 01:24:26 |

thefoxboy  "Four your eyes only."
Posted - 05/12/2005 : 01:31:37
Some people call me the space cowboy, yeah Some call me the gangster of love Some people call me maurice Cause I speak of the pompitous of love
Always wanted to know what that was. 

lekolight  "Now Available in CinemaScope"
Posted - 05/12/2005 : 03:04:52
A special ball point pen that can only write in basic machine code of one's and zero's.

Conan The Westy  "Father, Faithful Friend, Fwiffer"
Posted - 05/12/2005 : 04:54:11
Sharpilious - an extremely pointed comment delivered in a supercilious tone.

Little Old Lady from Dubuque 
Posted - 05/12/2005 : 13:17:04
a person who, obsessively and compulsively, studies the snoth (a small South American nocturnal rodent)
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