Stryaviljong n. One of the 57 different words the Eskimos have for snow. This one refers to snow that falls in the village overnight so that you have to shovel to get to work. JARGLING EXTRA
POLITICS from the Greek Poly meaning many and Tics meaning Blood Sucking Insects.
An operator of a boom microphone whose inexperience is evident in the erratic movement of said microphone, especially its frequent impacts with cast members.
The ancient art of making eyeglasses for the gods and demi gods. This proved to be very difficult as lens grinding was not delveloped until many centuries later.
To dance embarrassingly whilst wearing retro 80's gear, in a failed effort to look 'cool' to the younger generation. Effected by 'older' men, often at gatherings such as weddings and 'all-in' holiday resorts, who have not yet realised that anybody under the age of 25 regards them as 'grandad' and would feel more comfortable seeing them at home in slippers, reading a newspaper and smoking a pipe.
Con - from Conan groovinate - the act of 'being groovy'