Non-entrants may also vote, lurker votes are encouraged.
Entrants who do not vote have 3 points deducted from their total.
Voting is as follows, e.g., showing Tom as your first choice for 3 votes etc:-
3 points Tom 2 points Dick 1 point Harry
not upside down or it gets confusing.
Winner Rules
The winner of a round picks a new porn star for the next round.
The winner has 24 hours to start the next round, otherwise Se�n will start it.
If there is no winner 24 hours after close of voting with no fair way of getting a winner then Se�n will toss a coin or roll a die to pick a winner from the leaders.
Seeing as this is the last FWPT round (for now at least, perhaps for ever), we'll make it open season. Pornolise any movie title you find on fwfr, any actress or actor, or any famous movie line etc etc. Movies only (standard fwfr rules apply - no TV series etc). Now's the time to use those FWPTs you've been saving up.
Filling lucky punk. - Se�n Spoogies. - TitanPA Here's licking at you. - lemmycaution Conan the Arse Destroyer. - bife Ball Durham. - Wheelz Cum: Lick it Hot! - ChocolateLady I see spread people. - Cheese_Ed The 69 Schtups. - Chris C Around whore 80 ways. - Improper Username Bum Lola, cum. - benj clews Schtupping With an Enema. - wildheartlivie Lee Diddles the Butler. - Larry I Bet Kramer Rims. - demonic The Black Labia. - thefoxboy Rooster Cockburn. - Canklefetish Pacific Rim Job. - Airbolt I Fuck Huckabees. - Beanmimo A Merry Cunt Beauty. - Salopian This is Final Fap. - [matt]
Maybe two weeks on this last topic? Call back some old Fwiffers like we do every 100 contests?
I'll try and stick to the schedule (i.e., one week); if some old-timers return for this round it may be hard to get them to return two weeks later to vote.
I'll PM a bunch of people shortly (it wasn't too succesful last time I did this), and advertise in FYCTH.
Edit: I've PM'd everyone who entered FWPT in the last year (apart from the regulars) so we'll see what happens. I've posted in the Facebook fwfr page and advertised in FYCTH. I've also PM'd Animal Mutha (who invented FWPT). And benj. And thefoxboy, the only excuse for him not coming back in for one last round is if he's too busy felching.
I'll end the competition with the same entry I started with some, what, 8 years ago, which if i remember correctly saw Arnie as our first porn star. Seems appropriate to do, although it didn't win in that first round either ...
So, I give you, the sequel to Conan the Destroyer,