"X marks the spot"
Posted - 12/21/2019 : 10:57:28
I don�t know how much is real, but I�m certain that if you ever want to know anything about Harvey Keitel, you get a glimpse into his soul in this film, and pretty much everyone else who acted in this masterpiece. It�s not a Best Picture. It�s not a Best anything.
The lieutenant is the worst of the best, and Abel Ferrera makes sure we join him in the downward spiral. You are complicit. Keitel isn�t ever as normal as when he walks out the door of his house in the first few moments of the film. Fuck the soundtrack to life; it�s all phony anyway, so there�s not much music, at least not so much as it�s only a prop. Smoke crack. Smoke heroin. The original version of this film featured an awesome track by Schooly D called Signifyin Rapper, but I guess Robert Plant and Jimmy Page got P.O.�d that Schooly didn�t ask for their "permission" to use the music from the song Kashmir (and I guess he never "paid" them for it, so fuck you Led Zeppelin. Jerks.).
Keitel violates everyone (in the NC17 version his character actually jerks off in front of two girls, so if you�re watching the R the scene with the girls in their dad�s car it doesn�t have as much impact or really make any sense. So skip the R version). There�s something erotic about him spying on the nun who got raped. You see her boobs and her pubes, so like I said, you�re implicated too. There is no redemption. Even gramma gives you crack -- to even you out, no less! You�re on a slide straight to the bottom and you figure this out pretty quickly, so just enjoy the ride you f***** c*********. Keitel's periodic baleful moans are like taking long sips of a superlatively aged wine, with cracked black pepper floating on top ... while someone brushes your hair with a loaded pistol.
Keitel shoots his own radio, and he calls Darryl Strawberry a nigger! I�m doing my best here to show this movie so stop squirming.
If you saw Mean Streets (1973) then you�ll catch the subtle homages. This is a film about the underside of your sturdiest boots. There�s too much to say, and nothing that could possibly describe it. I loved this movie. |
Edited by - MguyXXV on 12/23/2019 17:54:37 |