I think this topic should be sticky. Every few months newbies stumble into the fourms and eventually ask us this same question. EVery tiem I tell the story it gets shorter and shorter. I cant remember the specifics of my story anymore. Or maybe there is an archive of everyones story from a long time ago that could be sticky. Rockfsh and others could just add their stories along the way. Is this a good idea?
I think this topic should be sticky. Every few months newbies stumble into the fourms and eventually ask us this same question. EVery tiem I tell the story it gets shorter and shorter. I cant remember the specifics of my story anymore. Or maybe there is an archive of everyones story from a long time ago that could be sticky. Rockfsh and others could just add their stories along the way. Is this a good idea?
I think this topic should be sticky. Every few months newbies stumble into the fourms and eventually ask us this same question. EVery tiem I tell the story it gets shorter and shorter. I cant remember the specifics of my story anymore. Or maybe there is an archive of everyones story from a long time ago that could be sticky. Rockfsh and others could just add their stories along the way. Is this a good idea?
Stuck now.
Josh the cat "ice wouldn't melt, you'd think ....."
Posted - 06/17/2007 : 19:22:24
For the record now it's stuck, in 2002 I was listening to BBC radio 2 and FWFR was the website of the day, I visited wrote a few reviews (at that stage all reviews were automatically accepted) then left.
I returned reasonably regularly then 2004 during a really crappy year at work with my then Head of Department FWFR was refound and I became addicted.
I have reclaimed 2 reviews form 2002, one has been edited and is now with it's new date.
Now you're not going to believe this but my cat, Tigga, was walking across the keyboard and somehow, by pure chance, pressed "www.fwfr.com" and then pressed the return key.
I knew you wouldn't believe me.
Of course noones gonna believe this story....noone has a cat named Tigga.
I found fwfr having read about it in the Guardian in April/May 2002. I submitted a couple of reviews - my earliest remaining one being on May 15th 2002. I returned once or twice over the next couple of months, but then I found the top 100 reviewers list and had to get in there. Then into the top 50. By then I was hooked and have just been a steady player ever since.
Oh and I got into the the top 100 reviewers list with a grand total of 21 reviews
I think I first heard about FWFR on a thread from the Space: The Imagination Station website (the Canadian Sci-Fi channel). People were posting their own examples (28 Days Later: Makes for weak movie ), so I thought I would check it out for myself...