I've had another idea with regard to future films. I like to add films which fit my accolades as soon as I see them listed. I don't know why; I just do. I guess it makes me feel like I'm keeping things up to date. Now, these are generally films with prominent actors and so are unlikely to get cancelled, so that is not the primary problem. However, I recognise that for people who actually like to pursue accolades, they are often forced to write boring or ultimately inaccurate reviews as there is a dearth of information.
So, my suggestion is that films beyond the current calendar year not be allowed to go live in accolades. People could still add them to an accolade, but they would not be a requirement to achieve it until their year came along, when on 1st January they would be automatically added to the required list. By that time, there is usually, or at least often, more information to go on. (The ideal would be to wait till the release date or a month or two beforehand, but that would be even more complicated to programme and the I.M.D.B. dates are often not accurate anyway.) It would need to be reversible, so that when a film got pushed back a year it would leave the live part of the accolade.
What do you think? I know it might be a bit complicated to programme, but if you're reworking accolade creation anyway I think it would be a nice idea that would make pursuing them less exasperating.
One problem would be if any accolade were specifically about future films, but I don't know of any such one.
Now that I've had even more "Not a film" rejections, please could we we be told the parameters for what is allowed? I've lost a good chunk of this week's quota on those, and obviously I wouldn't have submitted the reviews if I knew the films would not be permitted. We are talking about things like Enchanted 2, which is pretty certain to come to pass and seems at least as likely as Terminator 5, Iron Man 3, X-Men Origins: Magneto and many other future films that are on this site. If I knew the basis for deciding which are allowed then I would be able to avoid wasting precious quota slots, as well as a bit of your time.
I'm checking on why Enchanted 2 got blocked now. Also, is this the only notable blocked film or do you have any others?
The mainstream one from the same time was the Eastern Promises sequel. There was also Here's What We'll Say. I'm 'friends' with Reichen Lehmkuhl (the book's author) on Facebook and he told me that the film is going ahead. That may not be reliable, of course.
Thanks also for unblocking Enchanted 2. Please could my reviews for that which were rejected with 'Not a film' be moved back into pending?
I've reassociated them- you should just need to resubmit them now.
Please could they be returned to my pending list without me resubmitting them? Otherwise I'll have to waste some of my quota when it wasn't my fault that they were rejected. Thanks.
benj, this seems to have been kicking around here for quite some time. Is its continuing presence some sort of time-honoured exception to the rule about excluding non-movies? Unless I�m missing something, I can�t think of any other reason for it to be on the site. Not that I�d regard that as a valid reason anyway. It�s a 33-year-old idea for a movie by an �outrageous� Danish artist who died a decade ago. Non-movie? It�s a non-entity.