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rabid kazook  "Pushing the antelope"
Posted - 10/26/2009 : 11:22:17
Can't wait for the new bits of design!
H*A*P*P*Y* A*N*N*I*-F*O*U*R*-S*A*R*Y!
I would also mention that beside the marvelous merit of the most splendid site out there, there's also the Fwfr community that's an assemblage of the cool, the smart and the one-of-a-kind people.
Randall, great first pages notes! It was a delight to read them.
Edited by - rabid kazook on 10/26/2009 11:24:31 |

randall  "I like to watch."
Posted - 10/26/2009 : 11:27:24
Happy anniversary, benj! Man, that's a long time!
Thanks also to those who enjoyed my FWFR piece [no comment to those who didn't... ]. It was written for my personal blog, specifically to attract newbies, but if any of you happen to get a kick out of it too, that's just delightful.
Thank you all for so much fun over the years...
Edited by - randall on 10/27/2009 18:44:17 |

thefoxboy  "Four your eyes only."
Posted - 10/26/2009 : 11:32:10
Why is it that Randall and I miss out on cake?...again 

ci�nas  "hands down"
Posted - 10/26/2009 : 12:03:24
Congratulations, benj. Hell of an achievement. I�m intrigued by the prospect of a new-look site � I think it�s pretty well unimprovable as it stands. My favourite way of wasting time.
Not to gush too much but randall�s encomium is excellent.


BiggerBoat  "Pass me the harpoon"
Posted - 10/26/2009 : 13:02:17
Congratulations Benj, not so much for the idea and the longevity of the site, but for what you have given us. Somewhere to come and be inspired or entertained or enlightened. For the community you created and the sacrifices you make to keep the site not just up and running, but constantly improving. You humble us with your commitment.
You complete us.

benj clews  "...."

demonic  "Cinemaniac"
Posted - 10/26/2009 : 15:36:07
Great work Benj - not just on the new layout - but for ten solid years of slog for our benefit. It goes without saying FWFR has become an essential part of my day. As long as I watch films (and I do) I'll be reviewing them in four words as cleverly as I can. Thank you so much for your inspiration and your continuing dedication, and for being a top bloke into the bargain. We love you man!   |

Whippersnapper.  "A fourword thinking guy."
Posted - 10/26/2009 : 15:36:50
I've reservations about the low contrast grey on yellowish. It's not easy on the eye to read.
I'd much prefer the lettering to be black.
The general style looks great though. 

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 10/26/2009 : 15:44:35
quote: Originally posted by WhIOpersnapper
I've reservations about the low contrast grey on yellowish. It's not easy on the eye to read.
Yep, the colours definitely need work (they looked great on the laptop honest!) and this is exactly the sort of thing I can easily change as the site is developed and I get feedback on it. |

rabid kazook  "Pushing the antelope"
Posted - 10/26/2009 : 18:26:28
quote: Originally posted by WhIOpersnapper
I've reservations about the low contrast grey on yellowish. It's not easy on the eye to read.
I have to agree. I'm also for the usage of colors in a minimal way like in the current design.  |
Edited by - rabid kazook on 10/26/2009 18:27:06 |

Chris C  "Four words, never backwards."
Posted - 10/26/2009 : 19:40:06
Many congrats and thanks, Benj, for your sterling work over the last ten years. I've been here on and off for 7� years, and without doubt it's been a good place to be for the vast majority of it.
This world would be a poorer place without FWFR.
Have a very large drink of your choice, on me. 
P.S. Randall - great words on the front page. |
Edited by - Chris C on 10/26/2009 19:46:57 |

Bavvy  "Can't talk. Watching movie."
Posted - 10/26/2009 : 20:08:39
Benj, congrats on the 10th birthday of FWFR!
I love this site! I watched the screens you posted, and loved them!
Keep up the good work!

Sludge  "Charlie Don't Serf!"
Posted - 10/26/2009 : 20:10:50
That's 2.5 years per word now.

[matt]  "Cinemattic."
Posted - 10/26/2009 : 20:30:49
Hey benj, will the new site allow me to edit my name and 'me in four words' bit on a Mac? I just tried to change my name for the anniversary and then remembered it won't let me do it.

Koli  "Striving lackadaisically for perfection."
Posted - 10/26/2009 : 20:50:19
Many congratulations Benj. And the screen grabs are groovy.
Also, thanks to everyone else who has contributed so much to the site over the past decade. Long may it continue. |
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