I would also mention that beside the marvelous merit of the most splendid site out there, there's also the Fwfr community that's an assemblage of the cool, the smart and the one-of-a-kind people.
Randall, great first pages notes! It was a delight to read them.
Thanks also to those who enjoyed my FWFR piece [no comment to those who didn't...]. It was written for my personal blog, specifically to attract newbies, but if any of you happen to get a kick out of it too, that's just delightful.
Congratulations, benj. Hell of an achievement. I�m intrigued by the prospect of a new-look site � I think it�s pretty well unimprovable as it stands. My favourite way of wasting time.
Not to gush too much but randall�s encomium is excellent.
Congratulations Benj, not so much for the idea and the longevity of the site, but for what you have given us. Somewhere to come and be inspired or entertained or enlightened. For the community you created and the sacrifices you make to keep the site not just up and running, but constantly improving. You humble us with your commitment.
Okay, as promised, here's a few screen grabs from the new site design. Some of them look a bit washed out in terms of colour (one of the drawbacks to developing on a laptop) so that'll probably change but you'll get the rough idea I hope.
Great work Benj - not just on the new layout - but for ten solid years of slog for our benefit. It goes without saying FWFR has become an essential part of my day. As long as I watch films (and I do) I'll be reviewing them in four words as cleverly as I can. Thank you so much for your inspiration and your continuing dedication, and for being a top bloke into the bargain. We love you man!
I've reservations about the low contrast grey on yellowish. It's not easy on the eye to read.
Yep, the colours definitely need work (they looked great on the laptop honest!) and this is exactly the sort of thing I can easily change as the site is developed and I get feedback on it.
Many congrats and thanks, Benj, for your sterling work over the last ten years. I've been here on and off for 7� years, and without doubt it's been a good place to be for the vast majority of it.
Hey benj, will the new site allow me to edit my name and 'me in four words' bit on a Mac? I just tried to change my name for the anniversary and then remembered it won't let me do it.